Photo By: Photo Boards via Unsplash

Earth Day was born in 1970 and is celebrated each year on April 22. It was created as a movement for environmental protection, as there were no regulations or laws to help keep our planet healthy at the time. So, to enforce a change and environmental protection, Senator Gaylord Nelson created this day in 1970. The creation of this national holiday, now celebrated around the globe, created a gateway for environmental laws in the United States and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency and many other acts and laws.

Although we celebrate Earth Day once a year, we should be practicing ways to keep our planet healthy. Without these practices landfills could become overfilled, pollution will increase, natural habitats will continue to be destroyed, humans will be at risk, and so many other problems will arise. There are many ways you can help protect our planet and make every day Earth Day, but here are a few that can get you started!

Reduce your electricity usage.
Turn your thermostat up or down, depending on the time of year, to prevent it from constantly running. I know this sounds displeasing, but you do not have to keep it running all day to keep it warm or cool. Turn off the lights when you leave home or when you are not in the room. Unplug items that are not in use, such as lamps, power strips, TVs, charging cables, and more. These items continuously draw power even when they are turned off.

Use reusable water bottles.
Millions of metric tons of plastic bottles end up in the ocean and landfills each year. It is unknown how many plastic bottles have made their way to the ocean but it is estimated that two hundred and fifty billion have not been recycled. To give you a better picture, that is practically one full garbage truck dumping plastic into the ocean each minute. By using a reusable water bottle, you could save nearly two hundred, if not more, bottles from being disposed of each year. Can you imagine how much that would save if everyone used a reusable bottle?

Shop and donate at thrift stores.
Nearly eleven million tons of clothing and textile items are thrown into landfills each year, in the United States alone. This is by individuals consumers and manufacturers together. By donating to and buying from thrift stores, we reduce the number of garments that are disposed of in landfills.

Use reusable shopping bags.
It is estimated that nearly five hundred billion shopping bags are used each year worldwide. A great portion of this number ends up in the ocean, causing more pollution and damaging habitats. Each bag is only used for around twenty minutes before they are thrown away. By using reusable bags, an individual can save one hundred to seven hundred bags per year.

Avoid single-use plastic.
While shopping bags are technically single-use plastic, there are more than just that. This could also be plastic straws, silverware, plates, cups, and much more. These items are only used for a short amount of time and then disposed of. Eventually, they end up in the ocean, alongside our roadways, in landfills, and in many other locations. By avoiding single-use plastic, we reduce the millions of tons of plastic that are disposed of each year.

This could mean all sorts of things. You may recycle bottles, paper, plastic, and more at your local recycling center, or you may reuse items around your home. Another option to recycle your items could be donating towels or newspapers to your local animal shelter, or mascara wands to help wildlife at different rehabilitation centers or programs. The act of “recycling” has many definitions, but prevents waste from going into the garbage and reusing it for many months or years to come.

Buy recycled.
Many reusable items are made from recycled goods. There are also many clothing items, bags, and jewelry that are made from recycled plastic. Not only does this repurpose the item, but it also prevents these items from finding their way into the ocean or landfills.

Carpool or ride your bike.
By carpooling, you are helping to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, as well as reduce the emissions that are put off. If you live close to your work or school, try riding your bike or walking. I know this isn’t ideal for everyone but it is a great way to get outdoors and help save our planet.

Do not idle your vehicle.
If you are sitting in one place for more than a minute or two, turn off your vehicle. If you will be waiting in the parking lot for a while, roll down your windows and enjoy the breeze. If you are able, go sit on a bench outside your destination while you wait or go inside and wait.

Reduce wasted water.
You may want to install water-efficient faucets, toilets, and showerheads that can help reduce the amount of wasted water in your household. You could also shorten your showers and reduce the number of times you leave the water running for unnecessary reasons.

Save energy with your washer and dishwasher.
By washing your clothing on the cold water or warm water setting, you help reduce the amount of energy used. Also, wait until you have a full load of laundry or dishes to run your washer and dishwasher. You may also want to invest in a clothing drying rack to reduce the amount of energy used when drying your clothing, too.

Leave only your footprint.
Pick up your trash and any trash that you may see, even if it is not yours. Don’t damage habitats or touch wildlife. Leave only your footprint behind.

How do you plan on celebrating Earth Day this year?

Featured photo by: Vicky Hincks


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